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What should the inverter pay attention to in the dust cleaning process?

2023-05-20 11:22:40

In the actual operation process, the frequency converter will always be affected by the use of the environment, such as temperature, humidity, air quality and so on. It is hard to avoid that there are all kinds of fine dust floating in the production workshop, which is hard to detect by our naked eyes. If the relevant managers of the enterprise do not pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of the frequency converter at ordinary times, some dust will accumulate on the frequency converter after a period of time, especially on the top and corners. If the dust is not cleaned in time, it will have a certain impact on the operation of the converter, some serious will also produce some problems. Then what should the manager pay attention to in the process of cleaning the dust? Here is a detailed introduction for you:

1. Every frequency converter shall be cleaned and maintained once a quarter. The maintenance and cleaning equipment shall be recorded in detail and signed by responsible personnel.

2. Before cleaning, power must be cut off first, and work will start when the voltage drops to a safe voltage;

3. When cleaning, the surface of the inverter should be cleaned with a brush, but it is not recommended to use a pressure fan to clean the inverter; Clear the frequency converter;

4. If the surface of the frequency converter is greasy, it should be cleaned carefully with a cloth dipped in a small amount of alcohol, and the frequency converter must be blow-dried before it can be used again.

5, in the maintenance of the same time to carefully check the frequency converter, to see whether there is no heat discoloration parts in the frequency converter, cement resistance is no cracking phenomenon, electrolytic capacitor is no expansion leakage explosion-proof hole prominent phenomena;

6, conditional can open the shell with compressed air blowing clean internal and wind road ash, with compressed air should also pay attention to, because some compressed air in the water content is very large, should be the first to blow after the air.


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